Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Wednesday 3rd May 2017

Ullswater Way

7 Miles Grade 3

Leader: Jo Agnew

Report & Photos by Jo Agnew

A beautiful morning saw a goodly number set off from Aria Force for Pooley Bridge on the bus. Alighting just over the bridge we traversed the bridge back again to start the walk. The weather was exceptionally kind to us and the views throughout were crystal clear. The water on the lake looked very inviting from above but we managed to restrain ourselves from going for a dip. 
The route takes a varied meandering path up and away from the lake at times. Lunch was taken at a vantage point above Watermillock Church, before wending our way through Swinburn Park. Saving the best till last (although one or two people in the group may beg to differ!) we made our way up and on to Gowbarrow for more amazing views. The final section of the walk took us down passed Aria Force and to the National Trust tea room, a welcome sight at the end of the afternoon. Thanks to all who came.