Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports


Wednesday 28th August 2024

Loweswater Coffin Route

Leader: Bruce McMillan

Report by Bruce McMillan

Photos by Mike Coates and Sharron Murray

Having managed, just,  to park our 5 cars at Maggie's Bridge, 17 of us started off towards High Nook Farm on, at first, a nice day. However,  by the start of the second hill/slope, we all had our waterproofs on, which turned out to be for the rest of the walk. Nonetheless,  everybody seemed to enjoy this nice little walk and when we stopped at the bench halfway for  lunch,  the rain stopped for about 15 minutes which was a small blessing. Continuing on,  we reversed to go back alongside Loweswater, (passing "Shaun the Sheep " on the way) which was  a lot higher than when I recced it in July .
  Some of us went to The Lakes cafe in Cockermouth for refreshments afterwards. Thanks to all for coming along making a pleasant but a tad wet, jaunt. A farewell to Canadian Brenda whose annual jaunt to the Lake district was coming to an end for this  year.  We all hope to see you again next year

