Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Wednesday 26th April 2017

Walla Crag-Ashness Bridge

 7 Miles Grade 3

Leader: Tony Fenton

Report & Photos by Tony Fenton

Twenty one members set off from Keswick to walk Walla Crag on a beautiful spring morning. The climb to the crag was achieved in good time and the views from the look out points were taken in by all, although we didn't stop too long due to the cold wind. We returned to the cars through the Hostel grounds past the waterfall and then along the lakeshore, the water level had dropped over recent weeks exposing a wide shore. We ended the day with a visit to the A66 farm shop. It was a great day - how lucky we were with the weather!  Thanks to the team for the usual banter and excellent company.


Tony F