Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Wednesday 17th January 2018

 Culgaith - Acorn Bank

Leaders: Chris & Tom Fortune

Report by Chris & Tom Fortune

Disappointingly today's walk was cancelled, primarily for safety reasons. Despite our intention this morning of pressing on and completing the walk, our experience, and what we witnessed, just driving to the Sands convinced us that it would be foolhardy to continue. There was black ice throughout the city. we saw kids who's bikes just slid away from under them and kids and adults only just maintaining an upright and balanced walk as they attempted their journey. We also heard  from one of the ladies who turned out that she had passed an ambulance treating somebody. So all in all we felt that a ramble in the countryside was probably a step too far. ( no pun intended, but couldn't resist it. )

 However our thanks and apologies to the three ladies who braved the elements to meet up with us, namely Margaret, Sue and Elizabeth. We hope to get this walk back on the programme in the future as it is well worth doing.


Chris & Tom