Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Wednesday 16th August 2017

Hadrian's Wall

 7.5 Miles Grade 3

Leader: Jo Agnew

Report & Photos by Jo Agnew

We were fortunate with the weather today and it was lovely to see some new faces, as well as the return of Helen who has not been out for a while. Setting off from Twice Brewed, passed the new National Parks visitor centre,  we headed towards Vindolanda, along the route of the Roman Stanegate. There were a surprisingly large number of cars heading  for the fort, which we had to dodge, but once we were beyond the car park things quietened down. We had a quick stop at the unusual lime kiln near Crindeldykes which is quite impressive, although at this point one or two people were asking where Hadrian's Wall actually was and when would they get to see it! Crossing  over the military road it was then on up to our second Roman fort of the day and the Wall itself. Lunch was a fairly leisurely affair, followed by great views of Crag Lough and Sycamore Gap, before descending to Steel Rigg and back to the pub. Many thanks to the staff at Twice Brewed, who laid on a very indulgent tea for us, which rounded off the day very nicely.

