Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club
Walk & Event Reports
After receiving a phone call from Andy at the Sands, where there were four walkers but no car, they decided to do a Carlisle walk. Because I had a full car from Belle Vue we decided to go to Skelgill car park, just in case any one else had turned up there. We set off to do a shorter walk,different from what I had planned. The wind gusts were quite strong in the driving rain. I took the decision to turn back as I didn’t want anyone to be blown over. Thank you very much to the other intrepid walkers who came with me. Jenny,Val,Christine and Liz. We had a lovely coffee break in The Chalet in Portinscale. Hope you have all dried out by now. With luck we will do the planned walk when the weather is betterJudith
Wednesday 13th March 2024
Newlands Valley
Leader: Judith Mingins
Reports by
Judith Mingins - Mike Coates