Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Thursday 4th August 2016

Gilsland Area

Leader: John McKay

Report by John McKay

Photos by Ann Kin-Cleaves


Eight of us set off from the Gilsland Spa Hotel Car Park on a humid but dry evening. Alan holder, the clubs Australian member joined us, over on his annual visit. The hotel is now known as Gilsland Hall but as far as I’m concerned it will always be the Spa. We set off on the footpath heading for the river and the stepping stones. We had a major problem, due to the recent rainfall the river was very high and very fast lowing. The stepping stones were nowhere to be seen, they were totally under water. It was time for plan B. The map was consulted and we decided to make our way along the river bank to Gilsland were hopefully the bridge would be intact. We eventually arrived at the other side of the stepping stones, after our little detour, and resumed the original route. Along the river bank and through some lovely woods we went and finally arrived back at the Gilsland Spa. We had an absolutely delicious dinner in the hotel, one of the best so far. A delightful little walk, thanks to everyone who came along.

