Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Thursday 27thJuly 2017

Irthington Area - The Sally, Irthington

4 Miles Grade 3/4

Leader: John McKay

Report & Photos by

John McKay

A good turnout for to-nights walk, twelve took a chance on the weather and were rewarded with a lovely dry sunny evening.  Since starting the Thursday night walks I’ve been really surprised at the number of lovely little walks there are around Carlisle. To-nights walk was another one. Irthington is not an area I had ever walked in before and the only reason we were there was to try out the Sally, the former village pub, the Salutation, now revamped and a sort of trendy restaurant. The Sally was very nice and the food was very good. We are a rambling club but on Thursday nights we become rambling restaurant critics with the decision on where we eat being more important than where we walk. We had a lovely walk, a mixture of open fields, wheat fields and woodland taking in part of the Hadrian’s Wall Path. It was a bit muddy in parts and overgrown but Ken had his secateurs, which came in very handy, I must get myself some. A lovely evening, thanks to all those who came along.

