Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Thursday 25th August 2016

Rickerby Park

Leader: John McKay

Report by John McKay

Photos by Ann Kin-Cleaves & John McKay


The nights are drawing in but we are still managing to squeeze in an evening walk. Eleven of us, plus a few dogs set, off from the Near Boot Car Park and made our way down to Rickerby Park. It was a lovely evening and we had a quick look at the stone circle then made our way over the footbridge and on to the Sands. Over Eden Bridge we went and had a little look at the Chinese Gardens. It turns out that some of the plants and roses were planted by Chris and Helen Tyson who are both “ Friends of Rickerby Park”. Incidentally, nobody knows why they are called the Chinese Gardens as apparently they are an Italian design. Not a lot of people know that, as Michael Cain would say. We arrived back at the Near Boot as darkness fell and had a lovely meal. Many thanks to everyone who came along.

