Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports


On arrival at the start 16 of us managed to crack on and do the walk. We were soon on Grike for a quick cuppa before pressing on to Crag Fell. Here we had some cracking views down to Ennerdale and over to the high fells of Pillar and Steeple. We took lunch just down from the summit of Crag fell in glorious sunshine, Iam truly a lucky charm for good weather, contrary to the rumours. It was then down and back up the other side of the valley and on to Whoap.
The final pull up of the day saw us on Lank Rigg for a well earned cuppa. It was then down and around taking in the path that runs below the Whoap ridge.The final mile and a half in the valley with a couple of easy beck crossings not allowing me to test the new walking wellies. A short road walk saw us back to the cars. Hope you all enjoyed the walk which was done without a drop of rain and a good bit of sunshine. Thanks for all coming out, a great days walking.






Sunday 6th August 2023

Lank Rigg - Grike - Crag Fell

Leader: Pete Rutland

Report by Pete Rutland

Photos by

Pete Rutland-Myna Biscocho-Alan Dimmock-Mike Coates