Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 4th June 2017

B Walk

Loweswater - Buttermere

11 Miles Grade 2

Leader: John McKay

Report  by John McKay

Photos by John McKay & Son

It was one of those days, when things just don’t work out according to plan. The C party got stuck on the bus for three hours. The A party mislaid a few of the group. As for the B party, things just went from bad to worse. Twenty five of us set off a bit later than planned and not from the intended starting point so we were behind schedule from the start. After a fair stretch of road walking we turned on to the path along Loweswater to Maggie’s Bridge and what a delightful stretch it was. A delightful stretch of walking in glorious sunshine, it was too good to be true, it couldn’t last. Sure enough it didn’t. Somehow between Maggie’s Bridge and  Loweswater Village about twenty of the group turned off on the wrong route. The rest of us sat and waited, wondering what was keeping them. I eventually went off to search for them, I managed to find a few but the rest were too far gone. Fortunately we were able to get in touch and arranged to meet up at the end of Crummock Water. Mobile phones do come in handy sometimes. Reunited, with the exception of Chris Tyson, who had gone off in pursuit of the missing group and eventually made his own way back to Buttermere, we had lunch. The group split after lunch, as planned, some of us heading for Brackenthwaite Hows while the others continued along Crummock Water to Buttermere. When we eventually made it to Rannerdale Knotts we were way behind schedule so we gave it a miss and took the easier route, the thought of coffee and ice cream spurring us on. A wonderful walk despite the mishaps. Thank you to everyone who came along and a warm welcome to Margaret, out for her first walk with the club. I did assure her it wasn’t normally like this, sometimes little white lies are necessary

