Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 30th October 2022

Walk 2

Danny Bridge

Leader: Graham Bell

Report & Photos by

Paul Clarke





9 of us set off in blue skies and sunshine to enjoy some lovely riverside walking, first along the River Rawthey, then into Lower Garsdale via the River Clough to Danny Bridge. At this point a few short rain showers made us stop to pull on our waterproofs. The return to Sedbergh was via the Sedgewick Trail named after Professor Adam Sedgewick, known as "The Father of Geology".  We followed field footpaths and farm lanes, to the pleasant hamlet of Millthrop encountering en-route, a scarily ferocious "Welly Boot" dog (see pic) before the return to Sedbergh where we lavishly tucked into clotted cream teas