Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 30th July 2017

B Walk

Skelwith Bridge to Coniston

8 Miles Grade 3

Leaders: Mary & John Atkinson

Report by Mary Atkinson

Photos by John McKay


17 people left the coach for the walk not sure whether to put on their waterproofs or not . That proved to be the order of the day because although on the whole we were very lucky with the weather there were many stops and starts to put on and take off our waterproofs. In good spirits we set off and after discussions ,because we knew we had plenty of time to get to Coniston, we decided to stop outside at High Park farm for a drink. After enjoying an excellent coffee, beautiful views and taking advantage of a"loo with a view " we went on our way. Next stop was lunch at Hodge Close the quarry where most people had a peer over the edge to see the water at the bottom. After lunch when  we set off we had to restrain John Mackay who wanted to explore the  bottom of the quarry but the path looked very slippy and we did not want to return 'one short' After passing Tarn Hows the next stop was ice creams and toilets in the National Trust car park.We were soon on our last lap where we all investigated an ancient 'dog house' on route and then we were Into Coniston with lots of time for refreshments.

It was a very leisurely walk hopefully everyone enjoyed it and we really did have the best  of the weather

