Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 2nd September 2018

A Walk

Green Bell - Randygill Top

Leader: Heather Perrin

Report & Photo by Heather Perrin

Well the weather forecasts were all wrong and the day was fine with expansive views and we enjoyed identifying some of our favourite Yorkshire peaks once we were at the top.  Seven of us set off from Newbiggin-on-Lune to climb the three hills of Green Bell, Randygill Top and Hooksey.  Rounded hills, quite unlike any of our usual locations with no bushes, twigs, rocks or anything really other than the most blissful sense of spaciousness.  Much to my surprise we did meet five other walkers altogether.  The trig point on Green Bell was our first landmark.  Our second was the diminutive cairn on Randygill Top where the breeze necessitated an extra layer as we ate our lunch.  We noted the blobs on Hooksey, interesting formations – but you’d have to go up there yourselves to see them.  Looking at Hooksey, it is the nearest thing to a steamed pudding shape ever, and a good pull-up after the descent to Leathgill Bridge.  Then a grassy plateau before the descent to Weasdale Nurseries and a bit of weaving through thickets to arrive once more in Newbiggin at the astonishing time of 2.15, realising that we had maybe beaten a record and were the first team back.  However there was no way of letting the other groups know as we had our tea and cakes in splendid isolation, there not being a phone signal to be had in Newbiggin.  Once we were all met, we got in the bus to Orton and had our second lot of tea and toast.  Yay!

Thank you to all who came along, great company and I think it turned out to be rather a lovely walk!

