Wow! What a start to the new year. To paraphrase Jaws “we’re gonna need a bigger coach” 29 lof the 51 folk who managed to get on the coach joined me for this scenic ramble around Loughrigg fell and enjoyed a great days walking.
After a short stretch of the Rydal/ Grasmere coffin route we followed the river Rothay for a while before making the climb up to the flanks of Loughrigg Fell. Reaching the high point of the walk there were distant views over Windermere but the nearby Langdale Pikes were shrouded in low cloud. There were no takers for a quick dip in the tarn but we enjoyed a welcome lunch break before making a small detour to the planned route heading to the end of Loughrigg Terrace and descending to the lakeside path and final short road walk into Grasmere. A good day weather wise and lots of chat along the way catching up with one two club walkers out for the first time in a while as well as some more recent joiners.
Thanks to Ken for marshalling the rear of such a large group and helping to keep everyone together. Big thanks to everyone who came along