Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 25th June 2017

B Walk

Langholm Area

8 Miles Grade 2/3

Leader: Stephen Parker

Report & Photos by John McKay

It was decision time at the Sands this morning, which walk to go on, which walk had fewer opportunities for an accident to occur and who was going on which walk. I looked at those who went for the A, a shifty looking bunch if ever I saw one, definitely a few psychopaths in that lot I thought. Whichever walk I went for, I would be back marker, at least I wouldn’t have to watch my back. The B party looked harmless by comparison but there was a newcomer, Shirley, on her first walk with the club, I would have to keep my eye on her. I opted for the B walk and four of us set off for Langholm, where we met up with Ken and Anne. It was lovely sunny day though a little windy and before too long we found ourselves at the Sir John Malcolm Monument, a Scottish soldier who according to the Roman numerals lived from  1769 – 1833, isn’t Google wonderful. It was then downhill to Langholm again and up the hill on the other side to the trig point and radio mast where we had lunch. It was off downhill again back into Langholm where we arrived at the Church where a fete was being held. They were serving cream teas for £2 and very nice it was too. They also had a small pipe band playing. A wonderful day and a wonderful walk and the wonderful sound of the bagpipes to finish off, what more can you ask for. Many thanks to everyone for their company and to Stephen for leading.