Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 25th June 2017

A Walk

Great Calva - Knott

9 Miles Grade 1

Leader: Phil Howarth

Report by Peter Flynn

Photos by Peter Flynn & Pete Rutland

A total change to the whole atmosphere today in the club.  What used to be a friendly,  very open club has suddenly become one of suspicion and vice!!!   First of all,  the suspicion.  The club chairman received an  emailed blackmail demand for £58000 to stay alive.  One member on the A walk,  a retired ex police person (RXPP) made the very valid point that the situation was like an Agatha Christie novel with 200 primary suspects,  ie. club members (in actual fact 180,  though this could include a few ex members with a grievance).  We clearly have to take this very seriously and perhaps the real police – or CIA (who have experience of similar situations) might start with thorough questioning of any club members who visited an ancient axe factory in the last couple of weeks and came away with a partially formed but deadly implement.  (Perhaps RXPP could help here.)  The other issue,  much discussed and debated on this walk,  was a break away group – operative mid-week – of members who have taken up serious gambling,  connected with a new interest in golf.  Sadly 10p changed hands last week.  Curiously RXPP was again involved and being aware of a degree of luck that will inevitably change,  could well need £58k to stay afloat???   What about the walk,  the scene of these nefarious developments?  Only one word (actually loads of suitable words,  but I can think of just one.)  Brilliant.  A lovely walk from the valley starting at Mosedale,  past an old mine,   following a delightful stream and onto the summit of Knott.  A bit chilly,  especially after recent weather,  but superb views to the central fells,  Skiddaw and the Solway Firth for the 13 of us who ventured out.  Then along the ridge to Great Calva,  stopping for lunch in one of the few sheltered gullies we came across.  Great Calva is rarely visited,  a lovely,  very isolated summit,  and from there it was a steep descent to the valley of Grainsgill Beck  to the cars.  Then the lovely road through Mosedale and Heskett Newmarket to tea and cakes at Caldbeck.  A delightful walk,  very many thanks to Phil who seems to produce these little gems from time to time.