Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 24th September 2017

A Walk

Housesteads to Greenhead

9 Miles Grade 2

Leader: Alan Dobson

Report by Alan Dobson

Photos by

Alan Dobson, Malcolm Iredale &

Heather Perrin (with her new Smartphone)


The day turned out perfect for a walk, dry warm light cloud with glimpses of sunshine and no wind at least for the first part of the walk, conditions underfoot were very good, the paths not  slippy and very few boggy patches which were easy to avoid . This walk is different to others we do, as we climb up hills then come down them, and even at the end of this walk we were going down dips and climbing back out of them.

Six of us set off from Housesteads and made steady progress up to the fort and along the Roman Wall path westwards with good views of Green Loch and Brown Loch in the distance and then to Crag Loch which was a picture postcard with two rowing boats by the shore reflections of the crags in the water and then two swans swimming happily in the lake. These two swans are always here - it must be great to have a loch to yourself.

We had a  cup of tea at the famous sycamore gap passed several large groups of young walkers and scouts coming in the opposite direction as we headed for Steel Rig - the numbers walking along the wall were less after Steel Rig and we arrived at Cawfields for lunch - the picnic tables were available for our comfort.

From here it was onto Carvodern Quarry and down to Greenhead where we had  lovely refreshments outside the coffee shop and waited for the bus to pick us up at 5.00pm 

Thankyou to everyone who came along 

