Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports


As we departed the coach at the start of the walk we  were greeted by grey skies and the threat of rain so waterproofs were the order of the day. We made the short climb up to Annan head to survey the impressive steep sided enclosure of the Beeftub once used to conceal  cattle stolen by the infamous Reivers and also the location of several bloody deeds
The sombre prospect soon began to improve as the clouds lifted presenting us with far ranging views and we crossed to the small col marking the source of the river Annan The day improved further as we descended and we found ourselves in warm sunshine following the trail through recently planted trees along side the infant river before reaching the floor of the valley and making the return to Moffat.
A good day’s walking and a pleasant return to the borders






Sunday 20th August 2023

Walk 1

Devil's Beeftub

Leader: Ian Rowley

Report by Ian Rowley

Photos by

Alan Dimmock-Mike Coates-Ian Rowley